Paul Davids is from Bethesda, Maryland, the son of a famous Georgetown University professor of American History, Dr. Jules Davids, who worked extensively with John F. Kennedy on the writing of PROFILES IN COURAGE (for which his father is credited in the Preface) and who was a professor to Jacqueline Kennedy and later to Georgetown undergraduate Bill Clinton. Paul Davids is a graduate of Princeton University, where he majored in psychology and won numerous awards in writing. He then attended the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies in Beverly Hills. He is married to Hollace Davids, who is Senior Vice-President of Special Projects for Universal Pictures and who has produced several of his films. Paul Davids is a prolific artist whose paintings have been displayed at many galleries ( ) He is a member of the Writers Guild of America and Producers Guild of America. Four of Paul Davids’ films are distributed to TV by NBC Universal’s International TV Division, including “STARRY NIGHT,” “THE SCI-FI BOYS”, “JESUS IN INDIA” ( ) and "BEFORE WE SAY GOODBYE" ( ). Information on all his films (including “SHE DANCES ALONE”, “TIMOTHY LEARY’S DEAD” and “THE ARTIST & THE SHAMAN”) and his books and music can be found at and some additional info is available at at
After a few years working as a script analyst for Hollywood agent Paul Kohner (where he read all the submissions for Charles Bronson, John Huston and even William Wyler), his career in film and television took off when he got his “first break” as production coordinator (and a writer) of the original “TRANSFORMERS” TV show for Marvel Productions. He co-wrote (with Hollace Davids) THE FIRES OF PELE: MARK TWAIN’S LEGENDARY LOST JOURNAL and the husband and wife team co-wrote six STAR WARS sequel novels for Lucasfilm and Bantam books, including the award-winning MISSION FROM MOUNT YODA plus THE GLOVE OF DARTH VADER, THE LOST CITY OF THE JEDI, ZORBA THE HUTT’S REVENGE, QUEEN OF THE EMPIRE and PROPHETS OF THE DARK SIDE. The books sold millions of copies and were published in many languages.
![]() Forrest J Ackerman (center) is flanked by Hollace Davids at the left and Paul Davids at the right at the 2006 premiere of "The Sci-Fi Boys" at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. (Composer Brian Lambert is at the extreme left and artist Basil Gogos, who created art for most of the early Famous Monsters covers, is at the extreme right). This theater was the site of the tribute for the late Forrest J Ackerman on March 7, 2009. |
![]() Teenage "Monster Movie Maker" Paul Davids (left ) and his "co-producer" Jeff Tinsley create creatures for one of their childhood 8mm films. They won Honorable Mention in Forry Ackerman's first Famous Monsters Amateur Movie contest, and that sent Paul on his way to an eventual Hollywood career. |
![]() This issue of FATE has Paul Davids' story "The Strange Case of Forrest J Ackerman" which details the unexplained anomalies that have happened related to Forry since he passed away. Even mis-prints in this magazine add to the mystery, as Davids' article was interrupted on the first page with repeated sentences referring to the weird appearance of the strange inkblot described in the film. |
![]() The occasion: The Hollywood pre-Golden Globe Party of Universal Pictures in 2006. Peter Jackson (front row at left, next to Forry Ackerman) had flown in from New Zealand for his film "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" which had been nominated. Back row from left to right: artist Basil Gogos, 9-time Academy Award-winner for Special Makeup Rick Baker, Bob Burns (actor and noted sci-fi collector) and Paul Davids. |
![]() The poster for Paul's first fiction film as director (1999). "Starry Night" is a sort of "Afterlife Story" - in this fantasy Vincent van Gogh returns from the dead in our time for 100 days to discover that he was not a failure (as he had died believing). The DVD is available from Universal Studios Home Entertainment, and it is even sold at the Museum of Modern Art Gift Store in New York, home of Vincent's painting "Starry Night." |
![]() Paul wrote this article about the apparent post-mortem contacts with Forrest J Ackerman. It was published in the program for the 2010 Saturn Awards of the Academy of Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror in Los Angeles. |
Paul was in Italy in 2005 when this picture was taken. He was there to film at the Vatican for his film "Jesus in India" (www.jesusinindiathemoviecom) that showed on the Sundance Channel and then was distributed to TV worldwide by NBC Universal International Television. |
Paul in the control room of what is called "The Boat of the Afterlife" in "The Life After Death Project." This was a museum display (called "The Due Return") at the Santa Fe Center for Contemporary Art (CCA) created by an artists' consortium called Meow Wolf. Meow Wolf gave permission for filming their display as a visualization of a boat that transports souls to the after-world, as the Egyptians had their own myths of the boats that came to take away the departed. |
Paul Davids next to his mentor Forrest J Ackerman as they sign autographs together at Comic-Con in 2006, celebrating the DVD release of "The Sci-Fi Boys" from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. |
![]() Paul Davids (a Star Wars book author) wears a Yoda tie to receive (with his wife, Hollace Davids) the Saturn Award for "The Sci-Fi Boys" as Best DVD of 2006. |
![]() Paul was a Princeton student in 1969 heading south with his thumb during spring break. Upon graduation he headed straight for Hollywood, as he had been selected as one of the first 15 Fellowship Students at the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies. There, he studied alongside Terrence Malick, David Lynch, Jeremy Kagan, Caleb Deschanel and Paul Schrader, among other future luminaries of cinema. |
![]() Paul as Executive Producer (and co-writer) of Showtime's Original Movie "Roswell" on the set for the scene where debris from a crashed flying saucer is brought to the sheriff's office in July, 1947. Paul played a cameo in the movie as the army photographer in the autopsy room where alien corpses were examined. Jeremy Kagan directed the 1994 film, which is now considered a "cult classic". |
![]() Esteemed science-fiction author Richard Matheson (one of the most prolific ever) alongside Paul Davids after he was interviewed for "The Life After Death Project." Matheson, who was a friend of Forrest J Ackerman for decades, is convinced by the evidence that Forry Ackerman has made contact from the 'Other Side,' and that Davids' mysterious inkblot is one of those contacts. |
![]() Paul Davids (center) is with two of the stars of Showtime's "Roswell", Martin Sheen at the left (he played "deep throat" undercover agent Townsend) and Kyle MacLachlan at the right in old age makeup that transformed him from thirty-something to his 70's to play the role of Major Jesse Marcel. Marcel claimed that an extra-terrestrial spaceship crashed near Roswell in 1947, and that he handled the debris and was ordered to participate in a coverup (or rather, in a "Truth Embargo," which is the politically correct term for it today). |